WARP Update – Shiney New Prototype


WARP is continually developing to be a solid piece of work! Better icons, more clarity, class guidelines and an action board! I had a chance to play it a couple of weeks ago at a designer colaboration event called Protospiel in Madison Wisconsin with nearly 200 attendees.

The most exciting part of playing it there is that players did not complain about the main things they used to. No feedback is often the best feedback! I’m excited to show you the main changes!

Card Update:
A lot of love has gone into the card’s appearance. The core of the game-play revolves around card use, their development is of utmost importance. Here you see a lot of color has been added to the new card (on the right).

Reading the card is a lot simpler using the icons and colors. A lot of squinting from across the table is mitigated by this.  You may have noticed that the icon regarding ammo has been removed entirely. While thematically having limited ammunition for items made sense, time and time again I was finding players struggling with the reloading mechanic, and sometimes if the issue comes up too consistently; the best solution is the clip it out entirely! Probably the thing that had the most impact is that the initiative (C:2 on the old card) has been changed to be much more visually prominent, so there’s less time wasted on determining the next player! Streaming player actions has been a struggle for me, so the success of the Action Board is most encouraging!


After players choose their actions, they now place them in order on the action board, so all players can easily see which actions belong to who and who will be acting next. Eliminating this downtime of asking around the table to find who is up next dramatically increases how quickly each round progresses.

Better game aids are great! On the action board above, you’ll see listed actions that anyone can make without playing a card. Having them on the main board, once again creates a focus of attention during the action phase, so everyone has their heads up together.

Speaking of Aids, the new player mats have the reference sheet condensed on them:

along with tokens to match the Hand and mobility points a player spends for each phase. This encourage easier tracking of player resources and more condensed rule explanations since all of that is together!

The are some other substantial changes that I’d like to share (especially with game setup), but this post has grown long enough! I will most definitely be talking about how setup went from overwhelming to being enjoyed by players. I feel most accomplished from that compliment from a first time player!

I’ve recently put up a facebook page for WARP, please click here to like the page and see progress pictures of WARP!

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Thanks for reading!
~Andrew Voigt

Follow me on Twitter! @gamestothetable